This post by Craig Ranke was on CIT's Research Forum and is a classic illustration of delusional thinking.
At the LCF someone asked:
Craig, i have watched your movie and theres one thing that troubles me slightly. If Lloyd is lying and his wife is lying and knows what really happened, as you insinuate, why would he keep the cab? Why would he let you examine it? I would have thought if he was involved to the extent you imply he would have had the cab crushed, gotten rid of it. Instead he shows you it without hesitation. Not really the actions of a guilty man. |
I composed a very detailed reply so I want to copy it here:
The evidence proves that the plane did not hit the light poles because it was on the north side of the gas station.
This means that Lloyde's story has been proven false regardless of how hard it is to believe or how many questions you have regarding "why" he did this or that.
That being said, if you want to speculate "why", try to keep your mind in your hypothetical frame of reference considering he WAS involved with the operation and consider what his true role would have been if this scene had been staged.
Obviously if they stage a scene it's because they WANT it to be seen. They WANTED plenty images with Lloyde and the cab and the pole on the road to sell the official flight path. They WANTED his everyman face, unassuming personality, simple demeanor, and harrowing story to be in the media.
There would be no purpose in staging the scene otherwise.
They did not want to hide him away.
I like the characterization of Pentagon attack blogger StevenWarran who has a knack for poetic descriptions:
I submit Lloyd England was the star of a short entre-acte, titled, The Taxi Driver and the Downed Lamp Poles, part of a larger epic�in which the poles starred, not Mr. England�called The Rumsfeld Conspiracies, where these downed lamp posts serve as a corps de ballet, tangible �proofs� of a 757-jetliner�s trajectory and altitude. |
To make these staged "tangible proofs" known enough to at least hover subconsciously within the American psyche, Lloyde was told to go forth and talk to the media as much as he pleases.
They weren't about to release an official report that forensically analyzed the plane hitting the poles, exactly what poles were hit and where, and the physics involved with the cab coming to a sliding stop on the road with the pole sticking out of the hood as reported by Lloyde...

Oh no! None of that. In fact the light poles would be virtually ignored by the officials and not even collected until almost 3 weeks after the attack.
They instead relied on the media to deliver Lloyde's story, focusing on the human interest element, with nice old Lloyde emotionally relaying is alleged near death experience to do the work for them.
The science of the situation was ignored as a shocked and grieving public soaked in all the emotional stories of heartache, loss, and near death experiences on 9/11 for years to come.
Obviously this worked REAL GOOD as even many in the movement happily drank that kool-aid and in essence decided to accept the official narrative at the Pentagon, mostly due to the light poles and the cab, as it became clear that all the talk about missiles was ridiculous.
Enter CIT.
We relentlessly interviewed as many witnesses as we could find and ALL of them in the most critical area unanimously place the plane on the north side!
Got that?

But Lloyde wasn't meant to hide away and be quiet. That would have defeated the entire purpose of the staged scene. He talked to many mainstream media outlets before talking to us and they even officially used the image of his cab (undamaged hood and all) and pole in the Moussaui trial.
Lloyde was used to people swallowing his story hook line and sinker.
It was apparent to all of us in our first interview in 2006 that Lloyde relished the attention.
I bet he is sad that he hasn't gotten MORE attention and in fact his wife flat out told us that she was hoping he could sell the cab for "$100,000" or something as a piece of world history!
I speculate that whoever put him up to this told him that he would be made a hero of sorts and that he would probably get lots of "fringe benefits" if you know what I mean.
Do you really think Lloyde would have been worried about me or any citizen investigator if he was fully aware of the powerful dark forces behind him who have his back?
No way! He doesn't have a reason in the world to clam up about his experience...ESPECIALLY after all these years knowing how easily the story had been sold to the masses.
So if you want to speculate WHY he acted like he did you need to look at the situation in context and realize that no matter what...the evidence proves his story false.
There is no way around it.